At any stage of the subscription lifecycle, it is essential to keep in contact with your customer. When subscribing to your offer, he expressed a personal involvement that you need to acknowledge and support.

We offer the possibility to reinforce this relationship by sending personalized emails all along the subscription lifecycle: The first one is, of course, the first confirmation email, which is designed to confirm that your customer is engaged in a relationship, and not simply purchasing a one-shot product. It is very important to make it clear from the beginning, as the first renewal will most likely end up with cancellation, or even a chargeback if your customer is not aware that he will be automatically renewed (and charged) on the expiration date.

Other standard emails are:

The prebilling email, informing your customer a few days before renewal that he will be charged and renewed as previously mentioned.
The renewal email, confirming the service/product has been renewed and that your customer can keep enjoying the service he purchased.
The payment failure email is important to inform your customer that the renewal failed so that he can take any needed action to keep using the service: update payment method if expired, fund his bank account, etc.
In case your customer is not satisfied with the service and decides to cancel his subscription, you need also acknowledge this by confirming the cancellation, and ideally take advantage of this email to ask why he took that decision, which will be a gold mine afterward to improve your offer or propose a relevant alternative to your customer.
The same applies when a subscription expires: you need to inform your customer and try to retain him in case he did not intentionally leave your business.

Nexway provides a template email for all those configurations and more, which you can personalize to adapt to your design, but also the tone of voice if needed.

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