You are used to offering bundles? Create easily bundles within Monetize!

A product bundle is a collection of several individual, standalone products or services that are sold as a single combined package at a combined flat price. These are sometimes called “package deals,” and  generally consist of complementary items or, less frequently, similar items. The individual items in the bundle can also be sold separately. Nexway Monetize allows you to configure bundles with standard one-time purchase products as well as subscription products.

What are the benefits of bundling?

Increase average order value
Increase your revenue
Makes it harder for shoppers to make price comparison for similar products with your competitors
Helps shoppers spend less time making decisions
Encourage cross-selling the product bundle includes items from new categories

Configuration and use cases
You can set up bundled products in Nexway Center and via API.

You want to set up a “Buy one, get one free” promotion

Create a new product. This new product will be your bundle.
Configure this product as desired with name, store, languages, price, resources, like logos, etc.
Select the product that you want to promote in your bundle.
Configure the quantity: for instance in the case “buy one get one free”, the quantity will be two.

Note: The price is set for the bundle and not retrieved from the components (it is not necessarily the sum of the component prices)

Your shopper will pay the price set for this new product and the fulfillment will be triggered twice for the product attached in the bundle.


Send the following request:

with the product resource rules found here.
Use the “subProducts” property to add the product to be included in the bundle. Add the product ID for the product to be included twice.
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